Submit a Story

Has meeting someone online dramatically affected your life? We want to hear your story for a new HBO documentary! We're looking for stories that surprise, delight, and even shock.

We'd love to get your story in writing or on video, if you have the time, but if you don't we have an offer you can't refuse: You can TELL us your story. Just click on the link below. Your phone will ring immediately, and you'll have up to 3 minutes to record your story. We won't use the audio file without your permission. But if we want to add your story to this site, we'll transcribe and edit it.

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to give us an email address and phone number so we can contact you.

Thanks, and have fun!

Please don't hesitate to email with any questions or comments:

  • - Who were you looking to meet?
  • - What happened?
  • - What went right, what went wrong?
  • - What's your current relationship with that person?
  • - And how did the experience change you or your views?

Some of the submitted stories will be published on this site, and some may be used as part of the HBO special.

We're looking forward to hearing your story!